
I love when you have wine as a gift that we will both enjoy or just for myself… No matter the length of duration we meet; I feel it is a nice gesture from my guest to bring a little something to drink. I enjoy Champagne, red or white wine. It starts our date on a good note.

Please discreetly hand me my consideration in a birthday card or gift bag within the first 5 minutes of meeting, whether we are meeting in a public or private setting.

Please ensure you have showered within the hour prior to meeting, or you’ll need to shower before our encounter.

Fine Print

All appt’s require a minimum deposit of 30%, which is non-refundable, unless I need to cancel. Methods will be provided once screening is clear.

Rescheduling is considered upon my discretion and subject to availability.

If you need to cancel within 12 hours of our date or I am unable to accommodate a push back on time last minute, the balance would be required in full.

Consideration is for my time only; anything else that happens behind closed doors are of two consenting adults.